Exploring Theater (Group 1)
Exploring Theater
Reading Level: 7
Interest Level: 7-12
There are many more roles to be played in a theater production than those seen on stage. This series introduces students to the jobs that need to be done so the show can go on. Aimed at students considering getting involved with their school or community theater productions or looking to learn more about potential roles, these books will help students find their niche in this rewarding activity. The books will also help prepare them for roles that will fit their aptitude and interests.
Each Book Contains:
? Ways in which taking part in theater productions can prepare students for good jobs in the real world
? An account of what a person performing each role in the theater must do to contribute to the total team effort
? A sidebar on how a professional overcame a disaster and turned the experience into a positive event
Curriculum Connections:
? Theory-to-practice is illustrated in real-life scenarios presented in most chapters
? High-interest books are designed to introduce students to overlooked opportunities in the entertainment industry
? Standards-based content related to each job in the theater is explained in an easy-to-understand format